
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Question of the Week

Many adults return to college after being out of school for years. During that hiatus they have often worked jobs, raised a family, and done volunteer work in the community, amongst other things. Returning students often feel that all of their life experiences should count for something. They see their learning outside of the classroom as being just as important as what is learned inside of a classroom.

Some colleges agree, and grant academic credit for life experience. According to the  City University of New YorkDuring the course of their career, adults often develop skills and knowledge that are equivalent to college coursework.

What do YOU think? Should adults who have been out of school for years be given credit for "life experience" in lieu of having to take all of the courses traditional students must take to obtain a degree?

Why or why not?


  1. I am in full agreement that life experience should be considered and rewarded. However the experience I had in trying to get this done through one University proved to be a dauntig task Just to get one course through life experience. To do that same procedure for many courses proved to be counterproductive and I was discouraged from pursuing it by my advisor. Great idea although I would love for the process not to be so tedious!

  2. HI I really think the lady had the gut and then she got what she wanted i myself had tried to go to school but since i have add and other i can not finish school which is bummer

  3. There are usually programs in place at colleges to assist students who need extra help. Have you looked into anything like that?
